"Ugh, self introductions are always the hardest things to write! I tend to read more that I watch anything ,so expect a lot of book reveiws, or you know, British television-- I'm a sucker for BBC. Anyway, reading wis I mainly stick to fantasy and Sci-Fi, but Philosopy and religion find their way into my library. I'm a simple creature, I love the arts-- reading, writing, dancing, music and I think my personality reflects that. Mostly. At least my writing does. So, I think at this point, I'm rambling (Nasty habit of mine, terribly sorry about that) which usually means it's time to stop. So that's me pretty much."
infamous and forever written words because after writing something your forever fucked its the internet but these were written by kitaliae our Fourth Member
infamous and forever written words because after writing something your forever fucked its the internet but these were written by kitaliae our Fourth Member
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