You may probably know that i absolutely cannot stand sketch comedy shows. i especially hate sketch comedy shows gone bad. thus is the case with undesirable crap like Mad TV and even some later SNL stuff. the problem is it is all pretty much watered down and unoriginal. the parodies of popular movies, or tv shows get really stale quick. thankfully theres one comedy troupe that fails to succumb to bad jokes and corny punchlines, the kids in the hall!
ok ok, so yeah, some of these jokes are actually really bad. its probably a good idea to call this show hit and miss. because there are some super bland jokes in this series. for instance the guy with the cabbage for a head. totally lame. the two geralds... actually i really liked that one. some of these sketches will have you staring at the screen blankly. its like your supposed to laugh... you just dont know when and before you figure out when the sketch is over.
the cast is magnificent and i consider this to be the canadian monty python (monty python is my favorite comedy troupe) dave foley(sky high), kevin mcdonald (lilo and stitch), bruce mcculoch (the director of stealing harvard) and two other guys whose names are to tiny for me to remember. but, i still love them. its just those five guys to, i mean occasionally there will be an extra filling in as a characters wife (but usually one of the kids plays a girl) or some children in a school scene or
what not. but most of the time its just 5 guys doing absolutely surreal comedy.
so what are my favorite sketches? well i really like the "explore scott" sketch, its sort of like something you would see if you popped in a gay version of girls gone wild. its so surreal and unsettling that it makes you laugh nervously and i love it. another one of my favorites is "can we keep him" where bruce finds a stray business man and keeps him as a pet until he must release him back into the number crunching world, again very surreal. if i had to choose a third favorite to talk about briefly i would have to go with the one most people remember. the head crushing guy. if you have put your fingers close to your eyes and made it look like you were crushing someone in the distances head, then you already know its funny, but imagine a guy, kinda foreign, doing this just because he has nothing better to do, and there you go. you have an iconic comedy piece like *snaps fingers* that!
so what does it boil down to? about 5 LOLs in each episode, 12 nervous laughs, and about 6 minutes where you stare at the screen blankly because nothing funny is happening. the DVD set is great to and it has my favorite feature for someone like me who doesent have a DVD remote. automatic scrolling episode list! after i finish one episode it will automatically scroll to the next on the list instead of staying in the same spot. gotta love it.
if you can find this set for a price like i did definetly pick it up. its funny and very surreal, if your into that sort of thing.
"explore scott"
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