So the other day i was watching a bad movie and i mean bad. you all should know it, THE PACIFIER, it was just bad i mean come on Vin Diesiel(idk how to spell that). Vin whatchamaspellit, is the biggest fuck up holly wood ever gave us, "Hey you guys i have a great idea" Jim says "Oh My God jim has an idea lets listen" said everyone else "LETS ADD A BALD GUY WHO IS THE CLOSEST THING TO A RETARDED ORANGUTAN AS WE CAN GET" Jim said enthusiastically (the point is that retarded orangutans have the strength of ten orangutans which is border line super hero) as i was going on, vin idfcanymore is an ass hole!! he looks like hes ready to take a super dump in his pants! 80%of Vin fuckit fans are super buff and the other 20% are bald by choice and show more muscle, the only muscle in your head is your brain which is deteriating because of the steriods you shot up for work out purposes only. and to finish it off this movie has the end to get to the "Ghost" super-lets-blow-up-the-fucking-world program that this dad made oh yeah the dad was assassinated and epic failed to get the key you had to follow a fucking dance! (creative?) i know your like oh thats not too bad, unless... its called the peter panda dance. WTF IS THAT HORSE SHIT! heres a link you'll be wondering what made that soren guy say that this is complete horse shit its so bad. youll want to put a gun in your mouth then watch "like a boss" by the lonely island.
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