Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
i have to show people this...
hey people! i have just found what may be one of the coolest websites on the interweb.,. this is . an 80s retrospective type website that mainly focuses on obscure things from the time period. i think my favorite thing about the site is the large emphasize on he-man and the masters of the universe articles. go check this site out!
- Leatherman
2nd review: persepolis
like i said before, comic book movies are hard to do. and its not often that the writer of the book actually wants a movie in the first place! sometimes they are afraid that the movie wont live up to the source material. thankfully "Persepolis" is directed by Marjane Satrapi, who, also wrote the book. The animation looks just like the book and has a similar feel.
Since this is an animated film, it really was not hard hard to stray from the source material. characters are themselves and you didn't have to go pick from stockpiles of actors to find one you could slop up and turn into someone else. and i think this is the correct path to take with a film like Persepolis. With a voice cast featuring iggy pop, sean penn, and gena rowlands, this french film really pushed its american release. it was even nominated for "best foreign language film" (golden globes). it was up against the fantastic "ratatouille" for best animated film. and runner up to a disney movie is as close as you will ever get to winning. the plot is not hard to understand, its a coming of age story set in iran during the islamic revolution, she goes to france, she comes back home, she grows up, etc.
is the animation annoying? someone asked me this one time... its in black and white. the majority of the movie is in black and white because ALL of the comic book was in black and white, and again, this film has stuck very close to its source material so to not disturb the die hard fines of the book! all i have to say is wow. thank you! so many times comic book movies stray from where they came from but this one is pure panel to screen. so do i love this movie? yes! i love everything about this film. it was the main reason i became so interested in the islamic revolution. i was learning about how it must have been going through it and not just what happened. and for that this film gets my perfect 5 rating.
this DVD is a great release with some added bonus features. the main feature is in english with the american voice crew. there are two featurettes on the making of the film, and animation scene comparisons with commentary by the director. the only let down in the special features department is the main feature commentary, which is only on for about 5 or 6 scenes of the whole movie.
- leatherman
Monday, August 10, 2009
This'll fuck you over in a heart beat no kidding. I saw it once and was eh its so-so but then i saw it again and realized WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS! 1) what is the crystal skull? and 2) what the hell is Shia LeDoucheBag doing in this movie! i really hate that guy so much. He should go fuck a glory hole while getting raped in his dumbass. (i know it sounds bad but you know you want it to happen) so far i've said nothing about the movie... but you know, dont see it, thats all i got. just dont watch it. i'm not going to give you the satisfaction to hear this one out. it sucks all together but heres what you've been waiting for.
RATING:Fuck shit dammit hell fuckitalltohell FUCK IT ALL just never watch this shit movie unless you want to shoot your self in the face about 6 times

infamous and forever written words because after writing something your forever fucked its the internet but these were written by kitaliae our Fourth Member
Anime Review: Princess Tutu プリンセスチュチュ
While the title Princess Tutu can be misleading into a childish feminine anime, these are only small factors in the story Princess Tutu.
This story is a fantastic mixture of the elegant and beautiful world of ballet. The anime takes a signature form of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, while many of the stories include elements of fairy tales and famous ballets such as Giselle, Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker.
The anime follows Ahiru (or Duck in the english adaption with her name Japanese name translated) a duck who has been turned into a young school girl who attends an art academy as a ballet student, and her efforts to restore the heart of her a classmate named Mytho by transforming into Princess Tutu (who ultimately is similar to Swan Lake's Odette the White Swan). The anime goes into the results of her actions and how they affect her and those around her, in particular Ahiru's classmate Rue, who is in love with Mytho, and Fakir, Mytho's childhood friend. Rue is also Tutu's rival known as Princess Kraehe (and similar to Tutu being the equivilent to Odette, Kraehe is the representation of Odile or the Black Swan) the daughter of a raven. It becomes apparent that Ahiru, Rue, Mytho, and Fakir were meant to play out the roles of characters in a story written by a writer named Drosselmeyer, a man whose words were said to come true and when he died his hands were cut off in fear of his power, but the characters begin to resist their assigned fates and they fight to keep the story from becoming a tragedy as Drosselmeyer wished.
I thought the story would solely be fluffy, cute and annoying because of the name, and it was cute which I enjoted but while I love ballet I thought it would ruin the name of the art, but the anime only added to it in a creative way. The ballets were portrayed with class and the story had a dark mystifying feel to it especially during the second season. This 26 episode anime is well worth the watch and time especially for dancers. I personally found my love for ballet again through this and anyone male or female should enjoy this anime.
This anime music video not created by myself but by Marissa Panaccio sums up the anime perfectly and was the reason I began the series in the first place. (This AMV has won "Best Action" and "Best of Show" from Anime Boston and "Best Freeform" from Fanime.)
So with a spare moment, Princess Tutu should be added onto the list of "Must Watch" animes and I give it 5 stars for creativity and proving its name wrong with a dark nature and the expression of beauty in ballet all at the same time.
Until next time...

we have a new team member on our blog "soren" who will be writing reviews of terrible movies, books, and video games, check often as now our blog will have double the firepower. also we will be doing a video review together every week or so so check for those!
- leatherman
here is his hand typed introduction:
"idk what to say, i'm an author and a funny one. If i were to write a book you wouldnt expect what to hear from it. it's random... but for now im a blogger you'll never know what you'll get from my writing, it shifts but you'll hear of the shitty movies THAT WILL FUCK YOU OVER"
So the other day i was watching a bad movie and i mean bad. you all should know it, THE PACIFIER, it was just bad i mean come on Vin Diesiel(idk how to spell that). Vin whatchamaspellit, is the biggest fuck up holly wood ever gave us, "Hey you guys i have a great idea" Jim says "Oh My God jim has an idea lets listen" said everyone else "LETS ADD A BALD GUY WHO IS THE CLOSEST THING TO A RETARDED ORANGUTAN AS WE CAN GET" Jim said enthusiastically (the point is that retarded orangutans have the strength of ten orangutans which is border line super hero) as i was going on, vin idfcanymore is an ass hole!! he looks like hes ready to take a super dump in his pants! 80%of Vin fuckit fans are super buff and the other 20% are bald by choice and show more muscle, the only muscle in your head is your brain which is deteriating because of the steriods you shot up for work out purposes only. and to finish it off this movie has the end to get to the "Ghost" super-lets-blow-up-the-fucking-world program that this dad made oh yeah the dad was assassinated and epic failed to get the key you had to follow a fucking dance! (creative?) i know your like oh thats not too bad, unless... its called the peter panda dance. WTF IS THAT HORSE SHIT! heres a link you'll be wondering what made that soren guy say that this is complete horse shit its so bad. youll want to put a gun in your mouth then watch "like a boss" by the lonely island.
this is my DVD collection... if any of you are interested in me reviewing any of these films leave a post comment on THIS PAGE. thank you ^__^
1st Review: TANK GIRL
A good comic to movie transition is hard. we have seen it done well (spiderman) and we have seen it done badly (steel). but where exactly does tank girl fall in? the original comic was basically just a series of random events, and last time i checked random events hardly make up for a plot. lori petty plays the tank girl, rebecca, and she is sassy, rude, and kinda sounds like tommy from rugrats. naomi watts plays jet girl, who meets tank while they are both being held captive by the water and power company. see its 2033 and some meteor hit earth... and theres no more water. malcom mcdowell plays the main villain who wants every last drop of water for himself. Squashed in there are mutant kangaroos, a tricked out tank, and ice-t sporting some bad marsupial makeup. so basically tank and jet must stop malcom mcdowell (who's character name i cant remember). its basically heroes versus villains.
Now the film does sport some suprisingly amazing action sequences which are thrown in between each random event. when tank girl first gets a tank there is a very stylized anime sequence that pops out of nowhere and lasts roughly 5 minutes. clips of the comic are scanned across the screen to make up for not having to film more expansive scenes (my theory!) but only two full motion anime sequences are shown. this film has all the makings for a cult classic including it bombed at the box office, the strange style and random events create another universe in itself where anything goes. i would say that this is a comic book film done well. but thats just me.
It mimics the dirty style and industrial art that the comic flashed vividly. the acting is great, and some of lori petty's lines mock spunky action heroes of the 80's (like the ninja turtles). give this one a look at... its colorful, an hour and forty three minutes long, and will keep your attention. but dont buy it unless 1) your a hardcore fan of the source material, or 2) its under 5 dollars. if none of the above relates to you give it a rental.
there are no special features on this disc... it is presented in widescreen (YAY!) there are 3 languages on the disc (french, english, spanish) and their respective subtitles. no commentary, no featurette, no trailer this is a very bare bones release.
- leatherman
Thursday, August 6, 2009
my my my... i cant believe it has happened. the king of 80's films "john hughes" has died at age 59 :( the director of the "brat pack" films as well as other classics such as "ferris bueller's day off" and "uncle buck" will be surely missed in the film world. immediately upon mention of films in the 80's my mind doesent shoot to "masters of the universe" (oh we will get to that one). no my mind shoots to the "breakfast club" and "weird science". i love john hughes movies... and i hope that movies in the future have as much heart as his films. with what seems like an eternity of films ahead of us its sad to think the master of modern film is gone. a director who truly knew his source material, he will be missed. rest in peace john hughes.